Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Learning to unlearn

As we hurl ourselves at the speed of light in to the information tsunami, our mind needs to figure out a new way to process all this information. With or without our knowledge mind is already doing that, we all love to watch a video picture rather than read loads of information available on the same topic by just "Googling".

We would rather get lots of information in 127 characters or less with a tweet and capture the essence. We would rather browse at the pictures in the Facebook with thousands of friends. We would rather Skype and chat in real time rather than write a letter.

We are slowly unlearning what we had learnt about dealing with information. This learning to unlearn is also true about education and delivery of education in any chosen field. We the on-line curriculum/content developers are at the forefront of learning to unlearn the traditional ways and adopt new ways and new methods to be learner-centric. It is slowly becoming difficult to say who is learning from whom, even this has to be unlearned.